Tuesday, September 28, 2010

holy yoga...

...i'm totally sold.

have you ever tried yoga?

if you're like me, you may have been hesitent with the whole yoga thing.
GO! try it. you'll love it.
however. i'll warn you. it's weird at first. i remember hearing them do a few chants and calming techniques and thinkin, "what the heck? am i joinin a cult?"
but then, you try it, and you realize how relaxed, how stretched, how tone, and good you feel when you're finished. and you are HOOKED! i instantly wanted a cute mat, a new yogi wardrobe, and to be able to put my nose to the floor - you know - be crazy flexible.

i fell in love with 'hot yoga' about a year ago, and then after my 30 days for $30 deal ran out, i had to stop. i was heartbroken. why so expensive??? ugh.

i've never been good at working out from home. i need to go somewhere, and i need people around me. classes are my ideal :) not treadmills. or jogs alone.

so. i've always thought, surely i can connect both my 'quiet time/devotion time/time with the lord' to yoga? i mean they are both about focus, and your mind, and your devotion.....RIGHT!?

hello new obsession? yes. i think so!
(other than babyleif - that i'll of course be drooling over 24/7)

i'm gonna do some research.
i'm gonna look around KC.
i'm pumped about christian yoga.

You are the light of the world... Nameste.


  1. http://www.yogaisyummy.net/ -- another good Christian yoga blog! she even has a few videos online to get you started!

  2. This sweet girl does Christian yoga!! http://mandysuzannereid.blogspot.com/

  3. That sounds great! I've only done yoga a few times but really enjoyed it when I did :)


  4. i've never tried yoga, but i have pilates. hated it. i'm a runner and like to SWEAT!

    thanks for following my blog. also? you're the cutest pregnant woman i've EVER seen.

