Thursday, April 1, 2010

i know she's a keeper when.....

.....she knows my garage code.
.....therefore got into my house while i was in night class.
.....and brought me a plate of cupcakes.

by wednesday night im always more exhausted then i can handle....i have monday night class, tuesday bible study, wednesday night my days are long leaving by 7ish and not coming home until after 9........ick ick ick. only 5 more weeks of my semester!!! totally a fist pump worthy fact.

but i was totally revvvved up tonight when i turned on my kitchen light to find these babies :) yummidy yum yum.

colette is the best. and i love her :) and my cupcake was really good. and it will be hard for me to save the rest for mr. leif. and i might eat them all before friday. and you should all make cupcakes for your friend and then suprise them with sneaking into their house and placing them in their kitchen. seriously. its totally a smile provoker and a heart warmer :)

1 comment:

  1. I have been so out of the blog world for about a week - but I have a half day today and am going to catch up this afternoon, but for now I am at work on a conference call and skimming the posts I will read later today and I just had to read this one now :) I am so glad the cupcakes made you smile! Miss you (let's make a date soon)
