Monday, March 28, 2011

yogie yogie, frozen yogie.

we have a new frozen yogurt shop just BLOCKS from our house.
so, we aren't gonna just sit on our bums and dream about it.
no way. no way.
we're goin on a walk.
him. me. and the babe.
headin' out to get us some yogie.

hello romedizzle, snoop-romy-rizzle.

ummy yummy yumz.

no romes. you can't have any.
even if you make cute faces like that.
this is just for grown ups.

i'm rather excited about our food joints around our house.
just a few blocks away, we now have this yogie place, a new da'bronx pizza, and a runza!!!!! and crap, they're all just across the street from hobby i guess when romes and i are walking to get our snacks this summer, we might just be browsin the hob lob as well. hello craft fund - thou wilt be wiped out. and soon.

1 comment:

  1. i just sang this post's title to the tune of "black and yellow". it works. fyi.

    i would have given roman fro yo if he would have looked at me with that face. fyi.

