while i spent most of our mornings with the curtains open, so the bright and beautiful sun could radiate through the windows and i could soak up this cherished time with my baby, roman played hard....going from one toy to the next, examining them, and crashing them together. all boy.
but his intention for most of his 7 month, was to crawl.
he spent so much time rocking back and forth, and nose diving, to finally reach his goal.
and he has quite the cute crawl, if i do say so myself!
i also got my dress-up fix in, while the little romonster mastered his sitting up skills.
i now feel confidently to leave the room with you sitting my dear son, knowing you won't do a back slam against the floor!

and peek-A-BOO! we finally lowered the crib. yes, although it should have been done weeks prior, i held onto the ittybitty baby somewhere deep inside of you and kept your crib up high. i believe it helped me keep that slightest bit of "infant" in you left. although it was dangerous vs. adorable, i loved seeing you peek above the crib.......but dangerous won. we lowered it for your safety :)

of course, we spent countless moments in our bed. while some of those moments were peaceful, calm, and snuggly while i nursed you, many other of those moments were wild, crazy, and giggly while i tackled you and tickled you until you would give me your belly laugh. it's a good one.

in our toast to summer, we busted out the new pool and you once again became my pride and joy as you exclaimed your love for water (and laying out in the sun, yes!) by splashing and laughing uncontrollably. my pool sidekick for life. i think so!

and peek-A-BOO! we finally lowered the crib. yes, although it should have been done weeks prior, i held onto the ittybitty baby somewhere deep inside of you and kept your crib up high. i believe it helped me keep that slightest bit of "infant" in you left. although it was dangerous vs. adorable, i loved seeing you peek above the crib.......but dangerous won. we lowered it for your safety :)
of course, we spent countless moments in our bed. while some of those moments were peaceful, calm, and snuggly while i nursed you, many other of those moments were wild, crazy, and giggly while i tackled you and tickled you until you would give me your belly laugh. it's a good one.
in our toast to summer, we busted out the new pool and you once again became my pride and joy as you exclaimed your love for water (and laying out in the sun, yes!) by splashing and laughing uncontrollably. my pool sidekick for life. i think so!
your adoration for your little baseball game/toy/thingy continued to blossom. now you love to bite on the baseball, and push all the buttons intentionally! sometimes though, you exercise your manhood, and pick up the whole contraption and throw it off to the side as you charge to the next toy. you's a tough one romes, you're gonna blast through that weight room someday.....i just know it :) biceps, triceps, hammies, oh boy!
happy eight months to you my little one.
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