Saturday, January 15, 2011

not really a resolution.

it started with a fourth grade guidance lesson on resolutions.
we didn't really set resolutions, rather we let the theme of a 'new year resolution' guide us in learning how to set goals.
goals that were realistic.
goals that were measureable.
goals that were attainable.

as in most lessons, the kids enjoy when i self-disclose - both the good stuff AND the bad (like the time i was dishonest to my 3rd grade teacher when she asked if i was finished with my milk and i told her yes, which then led her to ask me to tip my container upside down so she could see, which of course resulted in milk all over my desk. because i wasn't finished. i hated milk. still do actually.) anyways, they like that kind of stuff. it helps them realize that teachers aren't perfect :)

so i explained to the kids my goal of running a 10K in may. and that i have a plan.
3 miles by te end of january.
4 miles by the end of february.
5 miles by the end of march.
and 6 miles by the end of april - making me ready to run the race in may.

and of couse, my reward? a new pair of shoes. under $40.

but over the last few days, it's been sort of on my heart that i didn't set any new years resolutions. and a run to prepare for isn't really my sort of typical resolution.

this year, i want to make a resolution, but it's really more of a goal.
i've been hearing about many great books that are just screaming my name.

my goal is to complete a whole list of books throughout the year. it's my 'resolution'.

the list?
Calm My Anxious Heart...Linda Dillow
When People Are Big and God Is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man...Edward T. Welch
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life...Joanna Weaver

lately, i've been searching and searching for god's will in my life. does He want me to stay home with my kid(s)? does he want me to work? full time? part time? should we sell our house? should we stay? should we move closer to home? should we stay in KC? ..............relax, breathe, calm my heart. serve the Lord with gladness. i'm failing to realize i need to be still. search the scriptures. and wait for the Lord. i'm praying, that through these books, the Lord will stir my heart. and i will walk closer to Him.


  1. I will pray for you on this journey! I love this post! I can't wait to hear what the Lord does in your life, as you seek to serve Him with all of your heart.

  2. I want to read more this year too! those books you listed sound so amazing. I might hafta pick a few of those up too. :)

    I know what you mean about trying to find the Lord's will for you life... lately, I've definitely been feeling the Lord tugging on me... I'm just not sure in what direction yet either. But I'm trusting He'll make it clear, and I'll just serve Him as best as I can RIGHT now, wherever I am. You know I'll be praying for YOU... thank you for always sharing your heart so feely, I love that about you, and I know the Lord is using you greatly. you're inspiring.

  3. looooove Having a Mary Heart in a Martha world. just bought the 2nd one, super excited about it
