they say nebraska is the "good life"
well, it's true.
a couple weeks ago, we made the trek north.
to a place we still call home.
to a place that makes us wonder, "will this be our home again someday?"
to a place where our family greets us with open arms.
to a place where our friends live. friends we'll have for a lifetime.
we didn't waste anytime upon waking up that first morning.
romedizzle was off...... exploring grammy abbi's house.
he very quickly needed a nap.....but not before having the typical silly stint in his crib, first. duh?! gigglehead.

of whom he fell deeply in love with.
a puppy? really?
we wasted no time.
we were off to soak up the country living.....outside we go.
we were off to the trampoline.
the simplest ones,
are the best ones?
being a mother is beautiful. so is being a wife.
although we still want lots of kids....someday.....
if i could freeze time right now, i would.
we walked down to the pond.
someone was quite excited,
it's a slight hint at the direction our little adventure took, and quick.
"windy life"
and for those of you who have paddled your way around a pond in a paddle boat, you'll know that wind is not necessarily your bff.
and in this case?
the wind and our boat? totally on the verge of a huge breakup.
because, well.....
we couldn't get back to the dock.
we tried.
mr leif and i were peddling as HARD. AS. WE. COULD. peddle.
my legs were burning.
stranded on the other side of the pond.
with a baby who i just knew would poop his pants or something to that sort.
but he never did.
romes in tow.
he was a trooper.
it was fun.
one must cool off.
CANNON BALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mom and bother came out to visit us (or was it just for roman?! hehe)
i took in the sunset.
the calm nebraska country air.
it seemed like just yesterday i was in the bleachers cheering my crush on :)
they took their game to the pool.
can i have a snack?
this is fun!
i'm havin' a blast!
can we stay forever?!
what fun memories!