Saturday, October 1, 2011

it's part of my job now.

you know, trips to the park, and stuff like that.
and i love it.

we didn't waste any time.
day one of full time mommy was met with a hop, skip, and the biggest leap you've seen as we headed out the door yesterday morning to meet...

and her beautiful momma.

roman has been doing tricks lately,
look at him go......

soon he'll be walking.
but let's not go there.
then he's no longer my widdle baby. boo.

they played hard.
audrey is so sweet to roman.
saying, "roman let's go!"

audrey is at prime park age....

roman? he's at prime, explore everything - don't pick me up or i'll scream until you let me back down - i wanna crawl for miles - stage.

thank you amy, for inviting us out to celebrate my new job.
i think i'm transitioning in well :)

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