- 10-12 hour days at work
- at least 2-3 hours of homework at night
- class 2 nights a week
- having to miss bible study because of the previous 3 things
- pretty much a recluse in my own home...and for those of you that know me well, you know that i thrive to be around people, friends, laughing, hanging out, etc.
so, based on those details...i was about 87.3% ready to 'throw in the towl', yep ready to either quit my job or quit my masters degree...me a quitter?? not usually...but that was about to be the reality of my response to the overload of stress.
i only share that with you because i have to say that after these 4 women left on sunday...i felt like i had been swept off of my feet and taken to some sunny island for a retreat. yes, they listened to me, gave me advice, and loved me.
moving on.
this is my momma.to say we connected so well this weekend would be an understatement. she and i are so alike. we knew this. but it was made clear throuhgout the whole weekend that we are...
'like mother-like daughter'
- she drives fast - i drive fast
- she loves music and is mesmorized by a good piano man - music is my passion
- she loves to sing, out loud - i love to sing out loud, with a pretend microphone too
- she is fond of red wine - i am totally a wino as well
- she is never home and always on the go - i am in more clubs, organizations, bible studies, masters classes then i can count on 1 hand
- she likes ice cream - i like ice cream
- she is competitive - i am competitive
- she likes to have a good time - i love me a good time

i know i know...you are thinkin, "what??? she flew in from san diego with little gingie!?!?"

it could be green...and totally antiquish/vintagish....
have i mentioned yet how much i love my aunts and mom(s)....oh, i do i do i do.

and guess what.

did you know i love mr. leif? i do i do i do
back to the city...
from there, we fufilled the lingering question of "how amazing is this chocolate bag that you are raving about lindsey?...yep. we headed to mccormick and schmicks

ok.....so even though this post is becoming ginormous, i can't scrimp on sunday. i have been typing thean backspacing, then typing then backspacing because i don't know how to describe the beauty of our church. so i am just going to say Oak Hills is amazing. i can't not share with you some of the amazing things we walked away from church with. and the grace-filled moment in it, was that everything pastor russ preached was fufilling our deep conversations that we were having throughout the weekend. God works in mysterious ways, ey?!?!
taken straight from pastor russ:
- "There is an ongoingness to the Lord’s provision in our lives that assures us that He has more than enough to meet our needs. But with that comes another pledge that He will not give it to us all at once. He gives us what we need when we need it." so....“When you pray, say… ‘Give us each day our daily bread’” (Luke 11:2-3)
- and he quoted Piper...“Today's mercies are not designed to carry tomorrow's burdens. There will be mercies tomorrow for that. Today's mercies are for today's burdens. The strength to live tomorrow will be given tomorrow, not today. And it will be given. Our task today is not to have the strength needed for tomorrow's burdens. Our task today is to live by the mercies given for today, and to believe that there will be new mercies for tomorrow. Today's mercies do not include strength for tomorrow; they include faith that tomorrow's unseen mercies will be sufficient for tomorrow.”
- " Even more, God opposes this. When we pray, “God, load me up today for all the burdens and pain I’m going to face this year,” what are we after? Control? Independence? Self-confidence? God
doesn’t want controlling, independent self-confidence to be your strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. He has something much more wonderful and sufficient in mind for you—the steadfast love of the Lord which never ceases and His mercies which never end, but instead are new every morning. It is a mercy in itself that He calls you to a life of daily dependence upon Him, lest you forget you needed Him in the first place."
amen. and amen.
thank you momma, mom(2), aunt joan, and aunt marce. i love you....see you feb 26th??? hehehe