Thursday, September 30, 2010

reading up on birth stories... so much fun.
and its a-makin-me SO excited :)
here's a cute one:

and this one is a heart-throbber......

this one shows what mr leif and i will probably end up doing.......when we'll have to DECIDE on a name!?? ahhhh!!! can't we just call him babyleif forever??

and of course........the lovely CJANE, wrote four posts for ever :)
Here's her part one...

part two...
part three...
and part four...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

holy yoga...

...i'm totally sold.

have you ever tried yoga?

if you're like me, you may have been hesitent with the whole yoga thing.
GO! try it. you'll love it.
however. i'll warn you. it's weird at first. i remember hearing them do a few chants and calming techniques and thinkin, "what the heck? am i joinin a cult?"
but then, you try it, and you realize how relaxed, how stretched, how tone, and good you feel when you're finished. and you are HOOKED! i instantly wanted a cute mat, a new yogi wardrobe, and to be able to put my nose to the floor - you know - be crazy flexible.

i fell in love with 'hot yoga' about a year ago, and then after my 30 days for $30 deal ran out, i had to stop. i was heartbroken. why so expensive??? ugh.

i've never been good at working out from home. i need to go somewhere, and i need people around me. classes are my ideal :) not treadmills. or jogs alone.

so. i've always thought, surely i can connect both my 'quiet time/devotion time/time with the lord' to yoga? i mean they are both about focus, and your mind, and your devotion.....RIGHT!?

hello new obsession? yes. i think so!
(other than babyleif - that i'll of course be drooling over 24/7)

i'm gonna do some research.
i'm gonna look around KC.
i'm pumped about christian yoga.

You are the light of the world... Nameste.

when you're 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant...'s OK to have a keylime bar(s) for breakfast.

(little confession...i was running really late for work today, so i brought this along in the car with me.......and i ONLY took bites at stoplights - you know, when they were red)

Monday, September 27, 2010

on my agenda tonight...

...well, before i get too far into that,

i should tell you that i went to the dr today and i'm 2 cm dilated! yay! and 50% effaced, yay! and i can definitely say there's been some 'different feelings' ......cramping ones........but probably not contractions. i did, however, have 4 people tell me today at work that after they got checked the first time, they started having contractions within next day or two, ah hah!!!!! wink wink!!!!.......goodness......i'm probably being ridiculous here, but hey, it could happen :)

(yeah..........i totally didn't know what dilated or effaced meant 10 months ago.....)


so my agenda?
1. go to the mall and walk around. a lot. and wiggle this baby down down downnnnnnnnn...... (while looking for a nursing tanktop)
2. make puppy chow (actually have mr leif make puppy chow after he's done with monday night football at with the guys from church)
3. make my puppy chow baby leif gifts
4. take pictures of the puppy chow baby leif gifts to show you just how cute they are :)
5. pout that the last thing for the nursery hasn't come in the mail.......hence the fact i haven't posted any pictures of the babyroom yet.......
6. get off the computer THIS instant so i can get going to the mall, gotta get my walk on, and i'll be swinging these hips back and forth, wiggle that baby down!

adios amigos.

afer work today we went to have our carseat inspected/have them install it for us, and we got showed up. yup. the cops stood us up. so pshhhhhhhhhhh............

(watch me go over my due that my hopes are up........i'll probably be at a 2 for the next 3 weeks..........a girl can dream, a girl can dream)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

how do you wait... go into labor?


i know its coming, that first contraction.

the one that will suddenly make me more nervous than i was while getting into my blocks at state track. the one that will make me feel hot and dizzy, because i'll realize ITS happening. the one that will make me think 5 million things at once, then force me to calm myself down and call mr leif. or if we are together at THE TIME then, its the one where i'll turn to mr leif and do a crazy happy freakout dance, letting him know that yes, i had one. the one that may send me into a crazy spin of emotions......that makes me cry at first, because i'm scared, but then it's the one that will cause me to wipe my tears and smile so big because i'll know its THE TIME.

each day i wake up and wonder, is today going to be THE DAY?
each day as i leave work, i tidy up my desk and think, will this be it? will he come tonight?

but. how will i know when it is the one?
i mean........with every little tug, pull, pain, cramp i feel..........i wonder. is this it?

i won't know until it's time. no warnings. no getting out of bed and knowing that yes, today is the day..........
only God knows.
pretty cool huh, that it's already planned out.
pretty comforting :)

because ready or not........he'll come at the most perfect time imagineable.

waiting is hard.
due dates schmoo dates.
it could happen any time.

we're ready, LORD, we're READY!!!!!!!

well not completely........we dont have our babyleif-puppychow-gift-snack-bags ready. we don't even have our list of names squared away, and we REALLY don't have middle names picked out............we don't have our bags completely packed......we don't have baby's 'going home outift' bought(because babyzutano will NOT do online orders at the moment. ugh. until mid october........ugh. and i had one picked out from there like months ago. ugh)...............we don't have the carseat in........and eeeeeeeeeeeeek........i haven't decided how i will do my hair for the big day (very important. lipstick too). braids? pony? straightened and smooth? curly and kinky? (i probably won't care........i probably won't have time to even primp........i know.......but i can pretend to plan for that right??!!)

ok. breathe. whewwwwwwww.
it could still be up to 3 more weeks (don't worry, doc said she wont let me go past 41.)

tomorrow i get checked :)
i've never been more excited for an exam.........tmi? so sorry.

ok. thanks for reading this gobbledbobbled mess of my thoughts..........
i'm off to go snarf down a runza.
mr leif made some :)
mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm gooooooooooood.

Friday, September 24, 2010

this week marks... year of blogging :)

yep! earlier this week, i had my bloganny. september 23rd to be exact.

i like this whole blog thing.
i think i'll stick with it.
and to be honest, i had quite a nice time looking back on my year...
wanna peak?
well, here's just a few of the tidbits from september to september...
what a rollercoaster of events :)

last september, 2009...
i wrote my first post. mr leif was gone...

in october...
i was a mermaid.

in november...
i became an aunt. oh yeah, and i got to be in the delivery room for it :)

in december...
i tried to create 450 peacemakers.

in january...
our house was attacked, by ice...and i cooked a good meal.

in february...
i got a 10 year delivery from mr. leif
and we found out we were pregnant.

in march...
i thought about wearing a tube top to school.

in april...
i ran 5k's in my sleep.

in may...
mr leif came home :)
i celebrated the last day of school...with blueberry pancakes.
and i made a video.

in june...
we discovered we're havin a minimrleif.

in july...
we celebrated 4 years.

in august...
i found my dream job.
and i talked about cleavage.

and now....
in september 2010....

i'm finishin up the nursery.

and mr leif....well, he's been busy practicing his swaddling. i'm his victim.

(yes, it looks like i have a snaggletooth and giant nostrils)
in all seriousness though......
blogging has been a beautiful additon to my life.
as i look back on my year, i've realized how the lord has
stretched me
grown me
challenged me
blessed me

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

when i have three kids...

....two of them will be ridin' board-style.
yep. just snap on a board or two.......
and wallah.....
you can push all three kids!
just think of the killer muscles you'll be building.

you can get yours from orbit. right here!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what we do without cable...

back in JULY we cancelled our cable.
(you know.......savin those less cable bill at a time)

and without a 'converter box', that means we get not a single channel.
just fuzzzzzzzzz when you push power.

however a few things to help with those times when we really just need to vege out are........
  1. colette and her hubs, quinn, gave us a cord to hook our computer up to the tv. we've only used it like 3 times........but it does work, and its a nice little back up.
  2. there are 2 redbox locations within 4 blocks of our house. one is inside hyvee, which is just a block to the left, a block to the right, then two more blocks to the left. and the other is inside mcdonalds, which is a block to the left, a block to the right, then another block to the left, and lastly, a block to the right. (because you really needed to know those directions. right?) so anyways. we rent movies on the weekends :)


3. we do this:

not sure what that is?

does this spark your memory?

we hooked up our super-nintendo. (we bought it off of amazon 2 years ago!) and we play mario brothers, and mario cart, and donkey kong, and mr leif plays techno or techmo football, i don't know what it's called.
i'm horrible at video games. i, luigi, get hit by fire bombs, little mushroom people that jump, and basically any sort of enemy defeats me. but mr leif, mario, is my teammate, so he usually helps us get through the worlds.....
and yes. we're playing nintendo because we are trying to soak up every last bit of life our life now......before it drastically changes, and we can no longer sit for hours eating rootbeer floats, playing video games, and laying around being lazy :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

you don't really count by weeks...

...until you become pregnant.

i mean, come know you are with me on this one. if you have never been pregnant, and you ask someone how far along they are you want months! why? because we all know the '9 months' part of being pregnant (which is actually more like 10-ish or something weird like that)

and. when the preggo lady you're asking responds with "23 weeks"........ you're totally like "oh.....??" because 23 weeks means NOTHING to you. except for the fact that you are quickly dividing that by 4 and then trying to convert those weeks into months so you can both be on the same page.

but. once you are 'with child' you become a 'week-er'. EACH week is a success. EACH week is worth celebrating. and EACH week is a week closer to that magic number: 40 weeks.

there are many mini milestones, like the trimesters, the 20-week ultrasound, the 36ish week declaring you full term........etc......but EACH week is truly a celebration.

then. when you get to the 30's......and specifically that 36th begin counting down days. and that means its so close you can taste it.
although, that's a bit freaky. because you don't taste babies.

but, well, actually, wait! you do taste them. i mean.........who hasn't wanted nibble on their little chunky arms and legs, and cheeks, and feet, and EVERY inch of them!?!?!?!?!

i, for one CAN'T wait to snack on my babygoodness :) (and yes, that sounds so wrong, yet SO right) if you haven't tried nibbling your lippies on a baby's skin. you can try it on babyleif. i'll let you. its better than rootbeer floats.

i know this because, i was feeling nibble-licious, the moment she came:

ok. but back to the whole week thing.

so back on FRIDAY i hit the 36 marker :)

and here, i'm trying to smile.......because yes, 36 weeks brings all sorts of "wow i have a basketball in my belly. and i can't bend over. and i can't sleep. and i pee too much" feelings......

and when i tried to smile big, mr. leif said this one looked fake.
ok. come on.........we must put our arm on our hip, because our arms grow flab while growing a child and it jiggles, and we must put one foot in front, because our thighs grow flab too, and we must stand a bit angled, because our butt also grows flab :) and if we are gonna be fake with this pretend pose that looks as unrealistic as possible, then lets get all cheesie with it.

so now.......cheers to 36 weeks AND AND AND (wait for it..........) 4 DAYS!

and in 3 DAYS i'll be to the 3 week countdown.........(37 weeks, ehemmm, your translation)

yeah, yeah..........someone's excited to meet this minimrleif.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

calm my anxious heart... the name of a book written by linda dillow.
(btw......i got a new music player. and on this one, you hafta push play)
(just in case you wanted to hear a good song, or two)

it's the book that i'm reading, for a bible study i'm so graciously indulging in on wednesday nights.

after just one night........after just one chapter.........i've quickly realized it is everything and more i've been needing. it's everything and more that i've been lacking in. it's the Lord, working in me, and it's the most amazing feeling ever.

i couldn't wait to delve into chapter 2 just moments after finishing chapter 1. but when i still had to answer my questions, and memorize my verse, i decided......i'm going to stay on schedule, and just indulge in one chapter a week.

so yes. each week along with reading the chapter, we are being challenged to memorize a verse. the verse is found within the chapter :) and i'm so excited to begin memorizing. i've actually experienced quite the blessing my lifetime.......for 9 years (kindergarten through 8th grade) i was required to memorize a bible verse each week of school. you see, i went to a private/christian school growing up, and that was part of the curriculum. however, it saddens me as i've come to the realization, that i've lost so many of those verses somewhere up in my mind.......they aren't easily flowing from my lips..... but now. as an adult. i can relearn them. and they will be the treasures of my heart. golden words that will flow into the hearts of my children. (so yeah. i better get memorizing.........or the only thing that will be flowin is my rootbeer smelling breath. because, you know, i like rootbeer. and i have rootbeer floats. a lot)

back to the b-study.

calm my anxious heart. wow. just the title speaks volumes.

now is the part of the post where i wanted to link to all the anxieties i've been struggling with lately, but then i realized, i would be here til at least midnight (and its only 7:23) trying to link them all. in other words. anxiousness has consumed me lately, and its not good people.

as i look at my past. i would NEVER, yep NEVER say that i've dealt with anxiety. i've never been much of a worrier. but then, as i examined further........i realize that the Lord has blessed me with such an overflowing abundance of blessing, that i haven't been challenged to confront worry. i haven't been challenged to confront anxiety. i haven't had to. i haven't had to work towards contentment. i've been content. because the Lord has, so far, set a life before me which has been quite easy to be content with.

but now.
i am.
i am facing a battle with contentment. and i'm not winning.

however, just when i felt as if i was slowly drowning in discontentment, just when i felt like i was rounding the last curve of 300 hurdles race (which, if you haven't ran one, is brutal.......especially that last curve), the Lord swept in.

it's my intent. (notice i say intent, not plan) to post a weekly digestion of each chapter in my book. and as my heart is transformed. as it becomes content. i hope yours will too. but all seriousness........i'll pray that you, my readers, will find your contentment in him :)

ok. so that was my intro.
let's get down to business.

el chaptero uno.
paul (the author of famous books such as philippians) writes (the memory verse):

"i am not saying this because i am in need, for i have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. i know what it is to be in need, and i know what it is to have plenty. i have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. i can do everything through him who gives me strength. philippians 4.11-13


did you know he wrote that as someone who's been imprissoned. in a dark and dreary dungeon, chained to a guard. (amongst being beat, misunderstood, and deserted)

i challenge you to learn that verse. tape it your mirror. do it!

the thing with contentment is that its something we can learn. we have to make it a happen.

contentment is infused into us through His word. if we are in his word, we become more content. it will consume us. we'll be infused. (dillow says its like a tea bag sitting in your mug, the tea gets stronger as it seeps in)

how do i find contentment when i battle with such control issues? its funny isn't it, as we look at our lives. we want control, but the amount of 'uncontrollables always out-weigh the controllables'. i laugh as i think about how i find this a fault in my life. you see.....when i work with students at school, one of my goals is to channel their focus onto the things they can control..... can they control that their parents are divorced and their mom and step mom are always fighting? no. but they can control how they handle this situation in terms of their reaction and how they get through it. sooooo.......its just funny. that i preach it. but i can't do it.

i am control hungry.
i want to find the perfect childcare.
i want to finish the year and then stay home with the baby.
i want to raise the baby doing this and that and this and that.
i want.....
i want....
i want....CONTROL!

what i've realized is that through most things i can trust god. i can surrender. BUT when he seems to be moving at too slow of a pace, then i try to step in a oragnize the situation a bit, you know, make a few phone calls, miss a few prayers, take a few things into my own hands. the author, linda dillow, has helped me realize that when i'm tweaking things 'a bit' and trying to 'help god along' that i'm developing my anxious heart. i'm basically saying, and i quote her "god you're not doing what i think needs to be done, so i'll help you out!"

JI Packer says.......contentment is accepting what God sends because we know he is good, and so it is good.

i've been trying to trust. to surrender. but i'm mixing my own strength and desire in, and its not working.

when i pray, i do ask for the lord to do his will........but deep in my heart, is where my desires resinate. asking for only his will to be done is something i pretend to do, but not really do. really, what i'm usually saying is, 'lord show me your will, your plan, for our child and who will care for him. show me your will for me in my career..........but please let your will be for me to be home. ok thanks god'.

why do we think our contentment is related to circumstances? i do it all the time.

however, i learned that true contentment is seperate from our circumstances, its a state of my heart and not of affairs.

i know i've blabbed on.......
and its been quite the helter-skelter blabbling post.........

i want to leave you with something quite concrete.
actually 5 things.

5 things that make up a prescription for contentment, straight from linda dillow's book:
  1. never allow yourself to complain about anything - not even the weather
  2. never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else
  3. never compare your lot with another's
  4. never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise
  5. never dwell on tomorrow.....tomorrow is God's, not ours.
thanks for letting me share.
i can't wait to nestle into chapter 2.
i can't wait to experience transformation.
i'm on my way to contentment.
i'm on my way to a calm heart.
(baby steps, people, baby steps)

this will take years.........but i've gotta start somewhere :)

i know i'll be praying...

...for baby bowen.

sanctus real is one of my favy fave bands.
matt hammitt is their lead singer.

read about his family here.

and join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for THIS post.

(ps. i heard all about this on klove this morning......and was practically sobbing on the way to work as they read his post about the morning of sept 14th........i just couldn't not share!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

if i had school-aged children...

...i would do this:
as the school counselor, i am always trying to find good resources/ideas for parents....and i stumbled upon this fabulous one:
go HERE to find out more about this awesome daily routine.......

what a wonderful way to triage about their day :)

someday, i will do this too:

you can check this fruitytooty out HERE!

Monday, September 13, 2010

belly bumpin.......

down the halls.

yep. it's as if i'm a sumo wrestler, meandering my way through masses of children, each morning as the bell rings.
you see......i greet all 438 children at the front door from 8:00 - 8:20, directing them where to go.
today, kindergarten-2nd-5th grades went into the gym for 'walk n talk' until our 8:20 bell
and 1st-3rd-4th grades went to their assigned hallways for enrichment time.
these students, some arriving as early at 7:00, just sit outside........crazy weather n all......waiting for the bell to ring.
so from 8-8:20, we try to provide some structure before the day begins.
wow. totally didn't intend to go so indepth with our morning routine. whoops.
when that 8:20 bell rings.......structured morning or not.......chaos hits.
and within the last week, my belly has really been in the way.
boingggggggg....... its like the children see it and then think it would be cool to catapult off of it.
i try not to be too crazy/overprotective/psycho mom with a baby in her belly.......
but. i've come to the point where i'm about ready to scream,
"back off the belly bozo's!!!!!!!!........there's a wittle baby in there!!!!!!!!!!"
here's my bump:

and. i forgot to document my 35 week mark last friday.
and. because pregnant girls will always be very precise about which week/which day they are on.
(because every day you get through is a celebration)
and. because i got to school early early today.
and. because our bathroom at school has a full length mirror.
(and also a door that won't shut.......see door in background)
here i am.
at 35 weeks. AND 4 days.

and what the heck am i doin? blogging at work???
oh that's's monday.........
and i'm having a hard time gettin into the groove.....
but i gotta run. its time for morning announcements!

i would be a really good cook...

...if this was my kitchen.
seriously, mr. leif:
this is really all that's missing from my issue(s) with cooking:
a sweet kitchen.
i mean, come on.....
can you imagine the pies and coblers and cakes and cookies i would bake up in here?
i'm not so sure which main courses i would perfect, but you and i both know, it could take more than a new kitchen to help with that disaster :)
so for now.......
i'll be a pro-baker, IF i were inhabiting this amazing space.
just so you know...


Saturday, September 11, 2010

snug as a bug... a rug.

whew......we made it.
on thursday, we finished our 5 week childbirth class :)
(with the exception of skipping 1night to stay home, and eat rootbeer floats, and be lazy)
we still got our certificate of completion.
we got an 80%, mr leif says.
i tried to capture some memorable moments from our last night.....
and looky here!
mr. leif is a swaddle star.
snug as a bug in a rug!
baby burrito? check!
and how about that diaper change??!
he's got that one down too :)

daddy daycare?

yes sir!

ps. if he begins to feel a bit rusty with the ole' swaddling techniques, mr leif said he'll practice by swaddling me........suppose we need to round up quite the large blanket for that.

don't worry though. if i do get swaddled. i'll be sure to have my photo taken, you know, by the swaddle-pro.

Friday, September 10, 2010

grace comes in all...

...sorts of shapes and sizes.

...yesterday, mine came in the form of these two cuties :)

they brought me their sweet little notes.....
helping me see that i can't throw the towl in yet......
that my job isn't done here at school until this baby comes!
but, when littleleif arrives........i'll be missed :)
God knows when we need His help :)

and just about the time I felt so worn out....
just about the time i was ready to give up....
(because racin down these school halls is a bit tiresome for a 35 week preggo)
He came through.
He gave me grace.
and now i can keep on truckin'.
i'm glad i serve someone like that.
and by the way.....He's used my students before :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

my family tree... school.
this is my 'family' at school.
all staff members in our building have one.
we divide up the kids into groups.
i'm their 'momma'
we meet once a month.
its great :)
meet my at-school family:

(are we not the most diverse family you've ever seen!? love it!)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

dear mom and dad......

thank you.
thank you for coming to help this past weekend.
when you're here, life seems easy.
mom cooks and cleans.
dad helps mr leif fix things.
we are lazy.
we are busy.
we eat.
we eat really good food.
and have rootbeer floats.
it's not that life is hard when you're gone.......
because mr leif takes pretty good care of me ;)
it seems as though i can exort just that much more laziness from my ever-growing self......knowing you'll pick up the slack......and it won't all fall onto mr leif's plate.
so thank you for easing his load - by helping me.
dad, thank you for helping us price check the deep freeze a million i have a place for my breastmilk to be stored :) well, not just that, but the 4 lasagnas you made us mom, and the corn.
and thank you for the future runzas that will also fill my new freezer.
mom, thank you for helping me, well....actually mr leif, hang the pom poms. even through my frustrations you persevered and the babe's room looks just so cute :)
and thank you for washing the baby's clothes.
for folding them
and for organizing them.......
and for cutting all the tags off them.
mom, i do understand your obsession to remove tags, just haven't taken it upon myself to indulge in such an important time-consuming task :)
i mean, you never know when you are going to take something back, necklace???
thank you for telling me its ok that i haven't written any 'thank-you's' yet. i've been blessed with so many baby gifts......but have yet to sit and write thank-you's. thank you for agreeing that i could write the thank-you's on the back of the birth announcement if i'd like. so supportive of my laziness, and i love you for it :)
thank you for cleaning my bathroom floor, like, really goood. it was missing you. (i think you were the last one to clean it........oh ........about 6 weeks ago)
dad, thank you for helping mr leif put the baby gear together.
our front room is screaming 'baby' and i can't wait to start using it all :)
and thank you for coming up with all sorts of ideas for our out-of-control/tree-filled/crazy overgrown-river-side back yard. i'll be holding you to each of those projects dad. and i'll reward your work with more grandchildren. i promise!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

now he knows...

...what it feels like to be pregnant.

ok, not really, but he has a little bit of an idea
- thanks to this 40 lb vest that has a stomache, and quite the chest i might add :)
he even had to sit in a chair, bend over, and try to pick something up...
but with his long arms - he made it seem quite easy.
i didn't hear the grunt that usually exits my mouth when doing this very similar task :)
oh look! we are now a family of 3 + 1 weighted attachment :)
christmas card photo!?!? probably not.
i'm sure we'll want to show off the 'real thing' then :)

but really........

i have more to say than silly jokes about mr. leif's manbaby-weighted-attachment thingy.

you see, the purpose of having the baby-daddy's put on this vest, is to give them a better picture of what the baby-momma is experiencing, so they might be more sympathetic towards them. to understand the uncomfortableness and awkwardness of carying a child :) they ask them to lay down, switch sides, bend over, tie their shoes....etc.....

why? because sometimes men need a little push in the whole sympathetic category.


not mr. leif.

he's everything a sympathetic baby-daddy should be :)

really though........i'm so thankful that this vest wasn't really an eye-opener for him, he's already showed his appreciation for what i'm going through long before our childbirth class.......and i know he'll continue to show it into the wee hours of labor and beyond :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

last year on this day...

...i was with my bestieboos. you the first HUSKER GAME of the season.
wearin our red
doin the tailgate thing.
havin a blast
because that's what we do.......... husker games.
lincoln - gbr baby.
and now this year,
things are a bit different.......................
and, on exactly the same day, one year later........
on this, the first husker game day of the season............
i'm not with my besties. not crashin' tailgates. not rompin around lincoln.............. BUT, i have a babe on my right and a babe in my belly :)
so i'll take the trade..........
and next year...........
NEXT YEAR will be back in lincoln - BGR baby!!!!!!!!!
.... mom and dad are here this weekend too!
we're washin baby clothes, settin up some baby gear, bbq'in, and havin a great time :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

a couple weeks ago...

... i was so weepy.
kinda like this fine female:but now i'm in a pretty good place, emotions-wise.
i mean heck, i think i can really do this whole pregnancy thing at least 3 more times.
then our 4 kids can share a room.
you know, like this cutie patootie below:
hold up...... i'm dreamin.......
i have this strange feeling i'll end up with all boys......
so it will probably look more like this.
and i'd be ok with that:

either way.
i'll still make their lunches into faces.
because i'mma be a cool mom like that.
you know......faces,
like this: